Tell about the best present you ever got and gave.
Wow, I really gots to think on this....
Well, Stanzie and I were pretty proud of ourselves the year we gave dad some walking shoes.
He was happy and we got more walks!
Mom's face always lights up, when I present her with plants.
And remember my letter to Santa earlier this month? I asked Santa to bring mom some seeds.
3 days later a nice person starting a blog on permaculture, asked mom if they could use this photo
for their header and then sent her some heirloom seeds.
Coincidence? I think not.
Thanks, Santa!
For the best present I ever received....It would have to be the last present, because I love ALL presents and I have a short attention span. This ball I got from my Airedale club is driving me crazy, cuz I can't figure out how to get that green ball out of there!
Stanzie likes her hearts from George :D
All that being said.....the VERY best gift...is just spending time together as a family.
Sue, Paul, Stanzie and Wyatt