I'm spending a few hours in the kennel everyday, to heal my sore leg. This is super boring....I feel just fine and I want to come out and help with the gardening. Please, Please, Please, I can be a good dog.
What's this you are doing? Planting tomato seeds? I can help with that!
Mmmmm, organic dirt. This smells good enough to eat.
Wait! Something is missing........
This project would be better with a dog toy in the middle of it all.
What's this flimsy little tray for? You can see right through these things.
Ooops! I spilled some seeds on the driveway. Maybe tomatoes will just sprout up in the gravel.
What do you mean, when you say "Get your big nose out of here!"
Fine, I'll take my toy and go.
You can never stay mad at me. Look at how darn cute I am!
Happy Digging,Wyatt