I bet you meant to plant bulbs this fall...and then you forgot?
NO WORRIES, it is not too late!
In fact, many garden centers and catalogs, still have tulips and daffodils at great SALE prices!
But, the ground is frozen and hard...oh my.
Fill up your old plastic nursery containers and other empty planters, about 2/3 full with potting soil.
Place an assortment of bulbs into the soil, pointy side up!
We put 4 bulbs in each gallon pot and about 20 in the larger concrete planters.
Fill the pots to the top with potting soil and then cover the whole bunch with leaves or straw, because plants above ground are more vulnerable to freezing.
In the spring, you can plant directly into the ground or just place the pots around where you need an extra bit of color.
It's always the right time to garden!