We have decided to call our Friday feature, "Ask Wyatt and Stanzie".
There are certain things that Stanzie knows way more about!
Stanzie knows about critter control!
Pip asks:
Do you have any experience with skunks? We think we may have one in our yard - a couple of mornings we woke up to a familiar smell. It was faint (so maybe it's in a neighboring yard). Do you know of any natural remedies to encourage the skunk to move somewhere else?
Your pal, Pip
Goose asks:
I'm with PIP, how do you keep the skunks out of the yard. I got skunked kissed 6 times last year. MOM was not thrilled. Anything we can do?
First....Do not provide a food source.
Keep garbage cans tightly sealed. Never leave dog or cat food outside. Never feed wildlife.
Second.....Do not provide shelter.
Seal up all areas under decks, sheds, etc.
If you suspect critters under your deck. Keep a spot light going under there for a week or so. They like the dark, so they will most likely leave. Then seal the area.
If skunks and raccoons are coming for your veggies and fruits in the garden (or the Koi pond), try setting up a motion activated sprinkler or motion activated lights. Nothing says "MOVE ALONG" like a blast of water in the face! Works on deer too!
From our experience, most of the critter repellents on the market are only semi effective.
Most, are a mixture of blood meal and something like coyote urine and they smell SO bad, that you will also be repelled from your yard! Also, they wash away with the first rain.
What do you do if you have been skunked?...like Ms. Stanzie
Wrap the dog in a towel, do not let dog rub on you or in the house...we know from experience!
Tomato Juice does not work...we tried, LOL
This product gets rave reviews.
But, what if you are miles from the store and you need help now!
1 gallon of water, 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide (h.p. can bleach fur, you may substitute with lemon juice or white vinegar), 1 cup of baking soda, one squirt of hand or dish soap.
Put a little Vaseline on dogs eyebrows to help keep mixture out of eyes. Avoiding eye area, sponge and lather mixture into dogs fur. Let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse well.
Be Aware and Take Care, Puppy and Kitty Pals!
You don't want to end up in the Wash-O-Matic!
Wyatt and Stanzie
We would love to hear your skunky stories and solutions.
And keep those garden related questions coming!
P.S. For those of you who commented on yesterday's post about Emma...she is the neighbor's dog and lives down the street. But, we will be visiting her often!!