bend wyatt one crop

bend wyatt one crop

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hurray for Weekends!

Thank Dog it's the weekend!!
Everybody has been working hard, so bring on some fun!

Stanzie is feeling good with her new Aire-cut. She got her raccoon face prettied up.

Mom and Dad have been busy trying to find the perfect fountain for Grandma's new house. They looked at everything from formal Italian fountains to every kind of concrete thing that spits water. We finally all agreed on this hand carved granite fish. But it is too short....
We will have one of these rocks drilled in the middle for the tubing and it will become a pedestal for the fish. We will share a picture, when we get it all assembled.

Meanwhile back home, with everybody so busy working and Miss Stanzie under house arrest at night, the deer have decided it's okay to raid our garden! They ate the whole row of peas....Bad, Bad Bambis!
I guess Bambi doesn't care for Spinach....Spinach salads for dinner tonight!!

Happy Digging!
Wyatt and Stanzie


  1. I think the fountain is going to look wonderful, the fish is really nice looking!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  2. Yes!
    The fountain is going to be pawesome!
    Aaaand.... sorry about the peas.... but.... spinach sounds great for your dinner!
    Kisses and hugs

  3. BOL! Bad bambies! Can't wait to see a picture of that fish!


  4. Flashin' fur and flappin' ears....that's what makes a good weekend. Maybe Stanzie should have been out to chase those deer! Just a thought.

    XXXOOO Daisy,Bella & Roxy

  5. I am so glad that Stanzie got her face all prettied up with her aire-cut! A day at the spa did her good. That fish fountain will look great when it's done, cant' wait to see a picture! You guys have been working so hard that I think it's time for a break and a fun relaxing weekend. Spinach all round!! Sorry Bambi ate all your peas. :)

  6. The fountain is gonna be cool!! How could they not like spinach??


  7. That is a cool fountain. I like to go out to the garden and eat the peas too.
    Hey Wyatt how do you keep the birdies from eating the cherries out of the trees. MOM said it would be OK but they pick one take a little nip drop it and grab another one.

  8. The fountain is going to be amazing..will you get to paddle in it?
    We think we would eat the peas too!lol
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  9. A fountain?!? Wow, if only the weather weren't that cold where you guys live, I bet it would even be prettier to put some Kois too!

    Stanzie's on house arrest? What did I miss?

    Huggies and Cheese,


  10. The fountain will look really cool!!! You look so happy in these pictures!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  11. Hi and glad Stanzie's raccoon face is sorted and we agree bad bad bambies.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. What a pretty fountain! We can't wait to see it in place.
    Dumb deer for eating your peas, Wyatt!
    You look beautiful with your hAirecut, Stanzie!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. Weekends are the BEST ! Hope you have lots of fun. Mom says she has seen one of those fish fountains before but it was sitting in the middle of a large bird bath pedestal and looked really great as it kinda looked like the fish was in a pond

  14. I think the fountain will be FABULOUS. Bad Bambi at YOUR house Rotten Rabbit at MINE. Ernie just came in from chasin one away.
    Spinach Salad fur supper... Spinach and scrambled Eggs fur breakfast. Popeye would be PROUD!

  15. We like the fountain - we can't wait to see photos.

    Very naughty Bambi! But spinach is nicer than peas - or so we think.

    Lots of licks
    Sally, Paddy and Klaus

  16. we love the fountain...can't wait to see it up and flowing
    Benny & Lily

  17. Can't wait to see the finished fountain - it will be awesome. Naughty Bambi for sure. We think the deer stay away because of our fence, but those rabbits, they are eternally here:(

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  18. Oh I love the fish fountain, what a wonderful idea with the pedestal, can't wait to see it when its all done! I love the first photo, you both look like you are having a lot of fun, glad to see you got water to keep cool Wyatt! I'm shocked that those nasty Bambis have eaten your crops, does Thumper eat your carrots too? I'm glad Stanzie is feeling better after her fight! Give her my love and juju! Love, Licks and Tummy Rubs from your furiend Frank x x x x x x
