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Thursday, January 26, 2017

We ♥ Owls

Please Join Blogville in the Endangered Species Challenge!
Hosted by Blogville's director of Arts and Entertainment, LouisDog!
Wyatt and Tegan


  1. We saw a huge white owl in a tree by our house. So cool cause we rarely see them
    Lily & Edward

  2. We have an old owl that lives out in the woods by our house and he looooooves to scream his fool head off.

    Aroo to you,

  3. We love owls, too, though we never see them.

  4. We often hear owls at night when over at the Torridon cottage, but never ever see them.
    Toodle pip!

  5. We asked mom if we could have an owl as a friend and all she said was "Who?" We kept answering but she must be deaf cuz she kept asking the same thing over and over!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Whooooooo?


    Our human sister had one sitting on a branch in her yard for a long time - he was beautiful.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  7. We do too! Owls are the coolest!

  8. Ghostwriter has a story about an owl. She was driving to work early one morning along a country road, and there was a big bird flying along in the other lane. She had to pass it because it was only going 30mph, but she got a good look at it while she passed. It was a big old owl!

  9. We has an owl in our nayborhood we hear sometimes.

  10. Crikey ..... we like owls too. Our little Granddaughter Jo has a special bond with owls. When she was little Mum used to take her to a local zoo where there was an owl in a cage. Every time Jo approached the cage the owl would fly down and hang on to the cage right next to Jo's face. Even in day time when owls should be asleep. It didn't just happen once. It happened many times. It was as if they knew one another. Jo would spend ages just standing there talking to him. She has a way with all animals but mum's never seen anything like that owl and Jo.

  11. WHOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo did you say likes OWLS?

    We love Louis D. Armstrong's Idea of having Blogville put out the word ... about animals Birds and Insects that are In Danger.

  12. OMD, Owls are soooooooo cool!!! I thinks we got one around here ~ I hears him at night, butts I haven't seen him yet! sneaky burdies!
    Ruby ♥

  13. we too... owl are just great... no wonder that they named the owlympigs after them ;o)

  14. Oh yes, Owls are wonderful
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  15. We love owls too, although we don't manage to catch a glimpse of one very often. Have a fun week! Ros and Oscar x
