Really, for me?
I don't deserve such fine gifts, I have been such a pill lately!
Koira and Pallo over at "My life with Flyball Dogs", sent me this wonderful handmade collar, that their mom made. It's made with soft colorful leather. The color combo is perfect with my Airedale Style!
We let Stanzie try it on too! Actually she is a better model and would actually hold still, while mom spun it around to show off the different colors.
This will be my special dress up collar.
Mom does not want it to get all muddy and wet in the garden.
I might let Stanzie wear it sometimes, to impress George.
Then, the very next day, we received this prize package from Jazzi and Addy!
We entered the 'Easter Bunny Contest' and won for best bunny hop.
Tug toys and dental chews! Boy, do they know what we like!
There were some cookies in the box from Jazzi and Addy too, but those never made it to the photo shoot...heehee.
I just get so frustrated when mom takes pictures of the presents before we can have them!
Gimme Gimme PLEEZE!!
Jazzi, Addy, Koira, Pallo and the Moms!