bend wyatt one crop

bend wyatt one crop

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Garden Pupdate

Follow me and I will show you what's new in the garden this week.

The deer didn't eat all the bush beans!

We have lots of Orange

Lots of Pink

and Purple too.

The first ripe tomato, 'Sungold Cherry'. 

Green tomatoes, Stupice, Japanese Trifele Black, Siletz, San Marzano and Sunny Boy.

Onions that would grow better if I didn't stand on them.

Baby Zucchini

Lettuce, Chard and Weeds.

Last year's 'Easter Lily' is this year's '4th of July Lily'!

Come back soon!



  1. It all looks fabulous guys. Lucky you. Currently all we have is salad leaves and some radishes. Big sigh. Have a wonderful 4th of July. Enjoy the day.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Well now Wyatt... it looks like you are going to have MORE than the 5 ripe tomatoes that you got that one year. THAT is grrrreat. THAT makes us VERY much Happy. We have NEVER forgotten that Post of yours. Your garden is lookin super buddy.
    We just planted the second group of Sugar Snap Peas today... and we have Cabbage the size of Basketballs... PLUS our Yellow Onions are Baseball and Softball sized ALREADY. We now need to pull the dirt back away from them so that they can expand even MORE...

  3. OMD! Just lookie at your Garden Grow!!! Wowsa! Ma's mouth started waterin' over your tomatoes!! And those Lilies, wow!!
    And, I like how your Airedale's growin' too!! hehehehehehe
    (I crack myself up!! BOL)
    Ruby ♥

  4. You have purple poppies too, Wyatt! You have the most beautiful yard!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  5. That's a lot of yummy veggies and pretty flowers. And one handsome dog

    Bailey, Hazel & Greta

  6. Well...we're hungry now. Everything looks fantastic.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. looking totally pawsome - those are some wonderful veggies

  8. Such a wonderful garden you have!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Dandy Doodles

  9. They couldn't do it without your help, Wyatt!

    Otto the digger

  10. Beautiful. Wyatt, the mockingbirds are nibbling on our tomatoes
    Benny & Lily

  11. What a fantastic garden. Our mom really liked the purple flower.

    Millie & Walter

  12. Your garden is just great. I ate my first tomato yesterday and I do believe it was a Sungold Cherry. Oh yummm yumm. MOM plants that one just for me. My very own tomato plant. Butt I do share with my MOM.I mean she waters it and all. Gotta give her something for her efforts.

  13. The garden is looking great. We too have Easter flowers now in bloom. I am wondering if the the baby courgette, sorry zucchini, is a true miniature, or one that, 24 hours later, will be a giant zucchini?
    Toodle pip!

  14. Wyatt and Stanzie,
    Othew than accidently standing on those onions, i can see that yoo awe soopewb gawdenews..those flowews and bootiful veggies awe mawveloos
    I love tomatoes and that baby zucchini and lettuces..i see sum yummie in yoow footoowe

  15. Sheeesh, bloggie cut me oss befowe I coold leave my smoochie kisses

  16. Hey Wyatt!
    Wow, you have such a tremendous green dewclaw! BOL My Mom's going all squeeeee for those lilies. Something ate the leaves off of her hostas and she's hopping mad about it! It wasn't me...I blame the skunks. Great garden pix, my furiend!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  17. Woof, watta garden. I eat most of the stuff in our garden which makes my tumtum growl and trample on the flowers which makes my hoomans growl as well. You really can't please them all ;-(

  18. Wyatt, everything looks so good and tasty. We hope you are all enjoying the holiday weekend.

    We want to thank you so very much for your kind words of comfort and friendship after our very sudden loss of Thunder. We are all still very sad, but the support and love from all of our friends from all over the world is helping to heal our broken hearts. We are sure that Thunder Dunder is now in a very happy place and also very thankful to have so many wonderful friends.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, Lightning, and Mom Kathie

  19. I want to come live in your magic garden!

  20. Beautiful!

    Stop on by for a visit
